Run Collection
Collection Runner will execute all the requests in the collection and display output in a beautiful format similar to the extension UI.
Run Single Collection
tc --col 'colNameOrId'
will run requests in the collection from CLI
Run Multiple Collections
tc --col "colNameOrId1,colNameOrId2"
will run multiple collections from CLI
Run All Collections
tc --col all
will run all the collections from CLItc --col all --skip "ColA,ColB"
will run all collections except ColA & ColB.
Run Collection Parallel
tc --col 'colNameOrId' --concurrent 5
will run 5 requests at a time in parallel from CLI.
Run Folder
tc --fol 'folNameOrId'
will run requests in the folder from CLI
Run Multiple Folders
tc --fol 'folNameOrId1,folNameOrId2'
will run requests in the folders from CLI
Run Selected Requests
tc --reqlist "nameOrId1,nameOrId2,nameOrId3"
will run selected requests from the collection
By default, the collection or request will use the active environment. If you would like to run using a different environment, then use the --env
- Example:
tc --col 'colNameOrId' --env 'Staging'
Data File
By default, the runner will use the data file attached in the Run Collection UI. If you would like to run using a different data file, then use the --data-file
- Example:
tc --col 'colNameOrId' --data-file 'relativePathOrFullPath'
- The input file can be in csv, json formats.
CLI can generate reports in xml, html, json and csv formats.
tc --col 'User' --report xml,html
command will execute all the requests and save reports in thunder-reports folder
Open Run Collection UI from CLI
If you like to execute Run collection in extension UI quickly, then you can do it easily from CLI using--ui argument.
tc --col 'User' --ui
To open a collection runner in UI and execute automaticallytc --col 'User' --ui2
To open a collection runner in UI without auto-run.