Import Node Modules
This feature is available in the paid version.
- Now you can import any external node module.
- The node module will be automatically downloaded and installed from the npm registry.
- e.g:
var moment = await tc.loadModule("moment");
console.log("load node module");
var moment = await tc.loadModule("moment");
// use moment specific version
var moment = await tc.loadModule("moment", "2.30.0");
tc.setVar("date", moment().format());
Load Module from Path
- Load a module from the specified folder path.
- This functionality is useful for loading private modules or modules hosted on registries other than npm.
- The module path can be relative to the project root or an absolute path.
console.log("load local module");
var moment = tc.loadFromPath("thunder-tests/packages/node_modules/moment");
Generate fake data
- You can use node libraries like faker-js (opens in a new tab), or lightweight libraries chance (opens in a new tab), falso (opens in a new tab) to generate random data
- Use
Pre Run
tab ->Scripting
tab to generate fake data using code. - Example custom script
// example code to load faker-js module
var { faker } = await tc.loadModule("@faker-js/faker");
tc.setVar("firstName", faker.person.firstName());
// example code to load chance module
var Chance = await tc.loadModule("chance");
var chance = new Chance();
// example code to load falso module
var falso = await tc.loadModule("@ngneat/falso");
var user = falso.randUser();
tc.setVar("firstName", user.firstName);
// to save Env value to Active Environment
tc.setVar("firstName", faker.person.firstName());
// If you do not want to save to the Environment file
// then use the request scope
tc.setVar("firstName", faker.person.firstName(), "request");