Encrypted Envs

Encrypted Environments

This feature is available in the Enterprise Plan.
  • The environment variable values are stored in JSON files in plain text format. The encrypted environment feature will save variable values in an encrypted format, useful for additional security.

Plain Text Values:

  • The values will be stored in the environment file in plain text format (Free, Starter & Business Plan).
   "name": "color",
   "value": "red",
   "secret": true,

Encrypted Values:

  • The values will be stored in the environment file in an encrypted format (Enterprise Plan).
  • To save values in encrypted format, set the variable as a Secret in the Environment UI using the lock icon Lock.
   "name": "color",
   "value": "F4cuC3C1bmjrhpbG0uDj8A",
   "secret": true,
   "encrypted": true