

  • Function filters are useful to perform advanced data manipulation and the syntax is inspired from Jinja Filters (opens in a new tab)
  • The filters can be used in Environment Variables and Tests.
  • The filter syntax is {{variable | filter1 | filter2...}} or in Tests json.items | filter1 | filter2...
  • If you like to use filters without a variable use @ sign {{@ | filter1 | filter2}}
  • The Filters can be used in Headers, Body, Query Params & Tests.

Filters In Env Variable

  • This is useful to modify the environment variable value before sending the request
  • The filters can be used in Query params, Headers, Auth & Body.


Filters In Tests

  • This is useful for advanced use cases to test and set environment variables from the response.


Built-In Filters:

atThe filter will return element at index
absThe filter will return absolute value
addThe filter is useful to add number
atobThe filter will Base64 decode the value
btoaThe filter will Base64 encode the value
execThe filter will execute node command and return value (Paid version required)
firstThe filter will return first element in array
filterThe filter will perform array filter operation
formatThe format filter useful to format the string output
hashThe filter will create hash of the input
hmacThe filter will create hash of the input
isEmailThe filter will check the input is email or not and return true/false
isUrlThe filter will check the input is URL or not and return true/false
joinThe filter will join array with separator
lastThe filter will return last element in array
lengthThe filter will return length of the string or array
lowerThe filter will return lowercase of the string
mapThe filter will return subset of properties
multiplyThe filter is useful to multiply numbers
parseJSONThe filter will convert string to JSON object
propThe filter will get property value of an object
readFileThe filter will read the contents of the file (Paid version required)
removeQuotesThe filter will remove quotes from the string
removeSpacesThe filter will remove spaces from the string
replaceThe filter will replace match with replace string
setIfValueThe filter will set env variable only when input has value
setNullThe filter will set env variable value to null when the property value is null
sliceThe filter will perform standard array slice operation
splitThe filter will split the string using the separator
stringifyThe filter will JSON stringify the object
substringThe filter will return substring of the input
subtractThe filter will subtract number from input
uniqueThe filter will return unique elements in array
upperThe filter will return uppercase of the string
urlEncodeThe filter will encode the string
urlDecodeThe filter will decode the string


  • The filter will return element at (opens in a new tab) index, The syntax is in Tests json.items | at(1)
  • if json.items value is [2,6,8,9] then
    • json.items | at(1) the result will be 6
    • json.items | at(-1) the result will be 9


  • The syntax is {{number | abs}}
  • if number value is -7, then abs filter will return 7


  • The syntax is {{number | add(5)}} or {{number | add("variableName")}}
  • You can pass parameter value as number or env variable name
  • e.g 1: if number value is 6, then add filter will return 11
  • e.g 2: if number is 5 and variable is 8, then result is 13


  • The filter will decode (opens in a new tab) the value, The syntax is {{input | atob}}
  • if input value is SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=, then result is Hello World


  • The filter will Base64 encode (opens in a new tab) the value, The syntax is {{input | btoa}}
  • if input value is Hello World, then result is SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=


This feature is available only in the paid version.
  • The filter will execute node command and return value, The syntax is {{variable | exec("command")}} or without a variable {{@ | exec("command")}}
  • You can also pass variables as parameters e.g: {{@ | exec("gcloud auth {0} {1}", "var1", "var2")}}
  • if command value is node --version, then result is v16.15.0


  • The filter will return first element in array, The syntax in Tests json.items | first
  • if json.items value is [3,6,8,9], then result is 3


  • The filter will perform array filter operation, The syntax in Tests json.items | filter(id>5)
  • The following operations are supported >, >=, <, <=, =, !=, *=, ^=, $=
  • *= filters using contains operation
  • ^= filters using startsWith operation
  • $= filters using endsWith operation


  • The format filter useful to format the string output, The syntax is {{variable | format("Hello {0}")}}
  • if variable value is World, then result is Hello World
  • Using multiple variables {{var1 | format("Hello {0} {1} {2}", "var2", "var3")}}, the {0} is replaced with var1 value, {1} with var2 value, and {2} with var3 value.
  • if you are using in Tests tab to set env value, then you can use e.g json.var1 | format("hello {0} {1}", "var2") in left input


  • The filter will create hash of the input, The syntax is {{variable | hash("algorithm", "encoding")}} or {{variable | hash}}
  • @param - algorithm: The default value is MD5. The values supported are SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, MD5.
  • @param - encoding: The default value is base64. The values supported are hex, base64.


  • The filter will create hash of the input, The syntax is {{variable | hmac("secret", "algorithm", "encoding")}} or {{variable | hmac("secret")}}
  • @param - secret: The name of the env variable where secret is saved.
  • @param - algorithm: The default value is SHA256. The values supported are SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, MD5.
  • @param - encoding: The default value is base64. The values supported are hex, base64.


  • The filter will check the input is email or not return true or false, The syntax in Tests | isEmail


  • The filter will check the input is URL or not return true or false, The syntax in Tests json.homepage | isUrl


  • The filter will join array with separator, The syntax is {{variable | spilit(" ") | join("separator")}} or in Tests json.items | join

  • The default separator is comma , so you can use json.items | join

  • if variable value is Hello World, then result is Hello-World


  • The filter will return last element in array, The syntax is json.items | last

  • if json.items value is [3,6,8,9], then result is 9


  • The filter will return length of the string or array, The syntax is {{variable | length}}

  • if variable value is Hello World, then result is 11


  • The filter will return lowercase of the string, The syntax is {{variable | lower}}

  • if variable value is Hello World, then result is hello world


  • The filter will return subset of properties, The syntax is {{variable | map("id", "name")}} or In Tests json.items | map("id")

  • e.g 1: In Tests json.items | map("id") which result in ["123","534","56444"]

  • e.g 2: json.items | map("id", "name") which result in [{"name":"test1", "id":"123}, {"name":"test2", "id":"534"}]


  • The syntax is {{number | multiply(5)}} or {{number | multiply("variableName")}}
  • e.g 1: if number value is 6, then multiply filter will return 30
  • e.g 2: if number is 5 and variableName is 8, then result is 40


  • The filter will convert string to JSON object. The syntax is {{address | parseJSON}}

  • The filter can be used with other filters e.g: {{address | parseJSON | prop("lat")}}


  • The filter will get property value of an object, The syntax in Tests json.items | prop("id")
  • e.g 1: if json.items value is [{"id":1005, "name":"boston"}], then prop("id") will return 1005
  • e.g 1: if array is [{"id":1005, "name":"boston"}, {"id":1006, "name":"london"}], then prop("id") will return 1005,1006


This feature is available only in the paid version.
  • The filter will read the contents of the file, The syntax is {{pathVar | readFile}} or {{pathVar | readFile("base64")}}
  • Please create a Env variable with value as path of the file. The path can be absolute or relative path to workspace
  • Relative path will work only if you enabled the setting Save To Workspace
  • e.g 1: {{pathVar | readFile}} will read the file as text useful to read JSON files.
  • e.g 2: {{pathVar | readFile("base64")}} will read the file as base64 encoding useful to read image files.
  • e.g 3: To use in the request body
    "data": "{{pathVar | readFile(\"base64\")}}"


  • The filter will remove quotes from the string, The syntax is {{variable | removeQuotes}}
  • if variable value is "Hell"o W'orld, then result is Hello World


  • The filter will remove spaces from the string, The syntax is {{variable | removeSpaces}}

  • if variable value is "Welcome Hello World, then the result is WelcomeHelloWorld


  • The filter will replace match with replace string, The syntax is {{variable | replace("Hello", "NewValue")}}
  • if variable value is Hello World, then replace("Hello", "New") result is New World
  • You can also pass single argument {{variable | replace("Hello")}}, which will replace with empty string


  • The filter will set env variable only when input has value, The syntax in Tests | setIfValue
  • This filter is useful in Tests section, when Set Env Variable dropdown selected


  • The filter will set env variable value to null when the property value is null (by default null value is set as empty). The syntax in Tests | setNull

  • This filter is useful in Tests section, when Set Env Variable dropdown selected


  • The filter will perform standard array slice (opens in a new tab) operation, The syntax is {{variable | split(" ") | slice(1, 2)}}

  • if variable value is welcome to thunder client, then result is ["to"]


  • The filter will split the string using the separator, The syntax is {{variable | split("separator")}}

  • if variable value is Hello World, then split(" ") result is ["Hello", "World"]


  • The filter will JSON stringify the object, The syntax is {{variable | stringify}}


  • The filter will return substring of the input, The syntax is {{variable | substring(start, end)}}

  • if variable value is Hello World, then substring(-5) result is World

  • if you like pass input.length - 5 then just pass -5 value


  • The syntax is {{number | subtract(5)}} or {{number | subtract("variable")}}

  • e.g 1: if number value is 6, then add filter will return 1

  • e.g 2: if number is 45 and variable is 8, then result is 37


  • The filter will return unique elements in array, The syntax is json.items | unique

  • if json.items value is [3,8,9,6,8,9], then result is [3,8,9,6]


  • The filter will return uppercase of the string, The syntax is {{variable | upper}}
  • if variable value is Hello World, then result is HELLO WORLD


  • The filter will encode (opens in a new tab) the string, The syntax is {{queryParam1 | urlEncode}}
  • if queryParam1 value is hello+world, then result is hello%2Bworld


  • The filter will decode (opens in a new tab) the string, The syntax is {{queryParam1 | urlDecode}}

  • if queryParam1 value is hello%2Bworld, then result is hello+world