API Reference

API Reference

The scripting feature is available only in the paid version.

Global Variables

The following global variables available in the scripting.

Global VariableDescription
tcThe main object for all API access
expectChai library for assertions
assertChai library for assertions
btoaBase64 encoding
atobBase64 decoding

Built in Libraries

The following built-in libraries are available in the scripting

Library NameDescription
ajv (opens in a new tab)JSON schema validator
ajv-formats (opens in a new tab)Additional formats for JSON schema validation
axios (opens in a new tab)Promise-based HTTP client
buffer (opens in a new tab)Buffer class for working with binary data
chai (opens in a new tab)Assertion library
crypto-js (opens in a new tab)JavaScript library for cryptographic operations
fast-xml-parser (opens in a new tab)XML parser and validator
fs (opens in a new tab)File system module
http (opens in a new tab)HTTP module
https (opens in a new tab)HTTPS module
papaparse (opens in a new tab)CSV parser and processor
stream (opens in a new tab)Readable and writable streams
tough-cookie (opens in a new tab)HTTP cookie handling library
url (opens in a new tab)URL parsing and formatting
util (opens in a new tab)Utility functions
uuid (opens in a new tab)UUID generator

How to use built-in libraries

// e.g: to use axios library
const axios = require('axios');


Get the request object. Only headers and body can be modified.

tc.request.idThe ID of the request.
tc.request.nameThe name of the request.
tc.request.urlThe URL of the request.
tc.request.methodThe HTTP method of the request.
tc.request.headersAn array of key-value pairs representing the headers of the request.
tc.request.bodyThe body of the request.
tc.request.authThe authentication object of the request.
tc.request.getHeader()A function to get the value of a specific header.
tc.request.setHeader()A function to set the value of a specific header.
tc.request.setBody()A function to set the body of the request.


  • tc.request.headers is an array of key-value pairs representing the headers of the request.
  • Each header object has the following properties:
    • name: The name of the header.
    • value: The value of the header.
    • isDisabled: A boolean value indicating whether the header is disabled.


  • tc.request.body is an object representing the body of the request.
body type
 type RequestBody = {
     type: BodyType,
     raw: string | undefined,
     form: KeyValue[] | undefined,
     files: KeyValue[] | undefined,
     graphql: GraphqlBody | undefined,
     binary: string | undefined

For more details, refer to the Typescript Definition file.


  • tc.request.setHeader(name: string, value: string): void
  • Set the value of a specific header.


  • tc.request.getHeader(name: string): string | undefined
  • Get the value of a specific header.


  • tc.request.setBody(body: string | object | GraphqlBody | undefined, type?: BodyType): void
  • Set the body of the request.
Sample Usage
// set JSON body
// set XML body
tc.request.setBody("<xml> xml_content </xml>");
// set Text body
tc.request.setBody("plain text body here");
// set Multi-part form
     form: [{
        name: "test",
        value: "123"
    files: [{
          name: "file1",
}, "formdata")
// set form-urlencoded
     form: [{
        name: "test",
        value: "123"
}, "formencoded")
// set GraphQL body
  query: `query {
      countries {
  variables: {
        "data": {
          "hero": {
            "name": "R2-D2"
}, "graphql")
// set Binary File body
tc.request.setBody("file_path/test.csv", "binary")


Get the response object of the request. This object is read-only.

tc.response.statusThe status code of the response.
tc.response.timeThe time taken for the request in milliseconds.
tc.response.sizeThe size of the response in bytes.
tc.response.contentTypeThe content type of the response.
tc.response.jsonThe response body parsed as JSON.
tc.response.textThe response body as plain text.
tc.response.passedIndicates whether the tests passed or failed in the Tests tab.
tc.response.headersAn array of key-value pairs representing the headers of the response.
tc.response.cookiesAn array of key-value pairs representing the cookies of the response.
tc.response.getHeader()A function to get the value of a specific header.
tc.response.getBinary()A function to get the binary response as Buffer.


  • tc.response.headers is an array of key-value pairs representing the headers of the request.
  • Each header object has the following properties:
    • name: The name of the header.
    • value: The value of the header.


  • tc.response.cookies is an array of key-value pairs representing the cookies of the response.
  • Each cookie object has the following properties:
    • name: The name of the header.
    • value: The value of the header.


  • tc.response.getHeader(name: string): string | undefined
  • Get the value of a specific header.


  • tc.response.geBinary(): Buffer | undefined
  • Gets the binary response as a Buffer.


  • Get the additional information of the current executing request
PropertyDescription environment used for current request. current request name. collection name of the request. folder name of the request. current iteration number. total number of iterations.



  • tc.getVar(variableName: string): string
  • Get the value of an environment variable.


  • tc.setVar(variableName: string, value: any, scope?: "local" | "global" | "request"): void
  • Set the value of an environment variable.
Sample Usage
// To save to active environment
tc.setVar(varName, value);
// To save to local environment
tc.setVar(varName, value, "local");
// To save to global environment
tc.setVar(varName, value, "global");
// To set collection or request level variables
tc.setVar(varName, value, "request");


  • tc.setParam(paramName: string, value: any): void
  • Add or update a query parameter in the URL.


  • tc.loadModule(moduleName: string, version?: string): Promise<any>
  • Load and get a node module from the npm registry.
Sample Usage
console.log("load node module");
var moment = await tc.loadModule("moment");
// use moment specific version
var moment = await tc.loadModule("moment", "2.30.0");
tc.setVar("date", moment().format());

Documentation: Node Libraries


  • tc.loadFromPath(modulePath: string): any
  • Load a module from the specified folder path.
  • The module path can be relative to the project root or an absolute path.
Sample Usage
console.log("load local module");
var moment = tc.loadFromPath("thunder-tests/packages/node_modules/moment");

Documentation: Node Libraries


  • tc.readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): Promise<string | undefined>
  • Read a file from disk.
    • path: The path to the file, relative to the project root or an absolute path.
    • encoding (optional): The encoding to use. Can be "utf8" or "base64". If not specified, "utf8" will be used.
Sample Usage
// To read a text file
await tc.readFile("filePath");
// To read file in base64 encoding
await tc.readFile("filePath", "base64");


  • tc.exec(command: string): Promise<any>
  • Execute a command and return the result.
Sample Usage
await tc.exec("node --version");


  • tc.getCookies(url?: string): Promise<Cookie[]>
  • Get all cookies in the cookie store.
Sample Usage
// get all cookies in store
var list = await tc.getCookies();
// get all cookies for current url
var listDomain = await tc.getCookies("url");
var listDomain = await tc.getCookies(tc.request.url);


  • tc.clearCookies(url?: string, name?: string): Promise<void>
  • Clear existing cookies.
Sample Usage
// clear all cookies in store
await tc.clearCookies();
// clear all cookies for current domain
await tc.clearCookies("url");
await tc.clearCookies(tc.request.url);
// clear single cookie by name of cookie
await tc.clearCookies(tc.request.url, "cookieName");


  • tc.setCookie(url: string, name: string, value: string): Promise<void>
  • Set a cookie in the cookie store.
Sample Usage
// set cookie for current url
await tc.setCookie("", "cookieName", "cookieValue");
await tc.setCookie(tc.request.url, "cookieName", "cookieValue");


  • tc.delay(ms: number): Promise<void>
  • Delay the execution for the specified number of milliseconds.
Sample Usage
// delay for 1 second.
await tc.delay(1000);


  • tc.test(name: string, result: boolean | (() => boolean | void)): void
  • Perform a test assertion.
Sample Usage
tc.test("Custom test name", true);
// assert response code is 200 without assertion library
tc.test("Response code is 200", tc.response.status === 200);
// assert response code is 200 with chai library
tc.test("Response code expect to be 200", function () {

Documentation: Assertions


  • tc.runRequest(reqId: string): Promise<ResponseModel>
  • Run a request from the script.
Sample Usage
var result = await tc.runRequest("reqId");
// to get the request id dynamically
var result = await tc.runRequest(;

Documentation: Send Requests


  • tc.retryRequest(): Promise<ResponseModel>
  • Retry a request from the script. This will not execute the pre-reqs and pre-script.
Sample Usage
await tc.retryRequest();

Documentation: Retry Request


  • tc.skipRequest(reqId: string): void
  • Skip a request from execution in collection run.
Sample Usage


  • tc.chartHTML(template: string, data: any): void
  • Set the chart template and data. See Chart View for more details.

Typescript Definition

  • Please refer to the tc-types.d.ts file for the typescript definition of the tc object.
tc-types.d.ts file
// version 2.21.4
declare var tc: tcType;
declare var expect: any;
declare var atob: any;
declare var btoa: any;
interface tcType {
      * Get Environment variable value
    * @param variableName variable name
    getVar(variableName: string): string;
    * Set Environment variable value
    * @param variableName variable name
    * @param value variable value
    * @param scope [optional] environment scope with values: local, global and request
    setVar(variableName: string, value: any, scope?: "local" | "global" | "request"): void;
    * Add or update the query parameter of the URL
    * @param paramName query parameter name
    * @param value parameter value
    * @since 2.11.0
    setParam(paramName: string, value: any): void;
    * Load and get node module from npm registry
    * @param moduleName module name
    * @param version [optional] module version, if empty latest version will be used
    loadModule(moduleName: string, version?: string): Promise<any>;
     * Load a module from the specified folder path
     * @param modulePath module path relative to project root or absolute path
     * @since 2.21.0
    loadFromPath(modulPath: string): any;
    * Read the file from disk
    * @param path file path relative to project root or absolute path
    * @param encoding [optional] encoding to use base64 or utf8. if empty utf8 will be used
    readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): Promise<string | undefined>;
    * Executes the command and returns the result
    * @param command command to execute
    exec(command: string): Promise<any>;
    * Get all cookies in cookie store
    * @param url [optional] to get cookies for url, if empty all cookies will be returned
    * @since 2.14.0
    getCookies(url?: string): Promise<Cookie[]>;
    * Clear all existing cookies
    * @param url [optional] to clear cookies for url, if empty all cookies will be cleared
    * @param name [optional] to clear cookie by name, if empty all cookies for the url are cleared
    clearCookies(url?: string, name?: string): Promise<void>;
    * Set cookie in cookie store
    * @param url the url to set cookie for
    * @param name cookie name
    * @param value cookie value
    * @since 2.14.0
    setCookie(url: string, name: string, value: string): Promise<void>;
    * Delay the execution for the specified milliseconds
    * @param ms the delay time in milliseconds
    * @since 2.9.2
    delay(ms: number): Promise<void>;
    * Test assertion (Only works in Post Request Script)
    * @param name the name of the test
    * @param result the result of the test -> boolean or function that returns false 
    * or throws exception
    * @since 2.10.0
    test(name: string, result: boolean | (() => boolean | void)): void;
    * Run Request from the script
    * @param reqId the request id
    * @since 2.9.0
    runRequest(reqId: string): Promise<ResponseModel>;
    * Retry Request from the script. This will not execute the pre-reqs and pre script
    * @since 2.17.5
    retryRequest(): Promise<ResponseModel>;
    * Skip Request from execution in collection run
    * @param reqId the request id
    * @since 2.16.0
    skipRequest(reqId: string): void;
    * Set the chart template and data
    * @param template chart template HTML string
    * @param data chart data
    * @since 2.17.0
    chartHTML(template: string, data: any): void;
    * Get the Request Info
    * @since 2.15.0
    info: InfoModel;
    * Get the Request object (Only Headers can be modified)
    request: RequestModel;
    * Get the Response object (read-only)
    response: ResponseModel;
type RequestModel = {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    url: string;
    method: string;
    headers: KeyValue[];
    body: RequestBody | undefined;
    auth: Authentication | undefined;
    getHeader(name: string): string | undefined;
    setHeader(name: string, value: string): void;
      * Set Request body
    setBody(body: string | object | GraphqlBody | undefined, type?: BodyType): void;
type ResponseModel = {
    status: number;
    time: number;
    size: number;
    contentType: string;
    headers: KeyValue[];
    cookies: KeyValue[];
    json: any;
    text: string;
    getHeader(name: string): string | undefined;
    getBinary(): Buffer | undefined;
type RequestBody = {
    type: BodyType,
    raw: string | undefined,
    form: KeyValue[] | undefined,
    files: KeyValue[] | undefined,
    graphql: GraphqlBody | undefined,
    binary: string | undefined
type KeyValue = {
    name: string,
    value: string,
    isDisabled?: boolean | undefined
type BodyType = "none"|"text"|"json"|"xml"|"formdata"|"formencoded"|"graphql"|"binary";
type GraphqlBody = {
    query: string,
    variables?: string | undefined
type Cookie = {
    key: string;
    value: string;
    expires?: string; // date in ISO 8601 format
    domain: string;
    path: string;
    hostOnly: boolean;
    httpOnly?: boolean;
    creation: string;  // date in ISO 8601 format
    lastAccessed: string;  // date in ISO 8601 format
type InfoModel = {
    environmentName: string,
    requestName: string,
    collectionName: string,
    folderName: string,
    currentIteration: number,
    totalIterations: number


  • If you are using external JS files, you can refer to the tc-types.d.ts file for autocomplete suggestions.
  • Copy tc-types.d.ts to your project and reference it at the top for VS Code autocomplete suggestions.
// @ts-check
/// copy tc-types.d.ts file for vscode autocompletion on tc object
/// <reference path="./tc-types.d.ts" />

TS Validation

  • Use // @ts-check at the top of the script to enable TypeScript validation.